Last update: 24-02-2021
By answering the questions below, you can find out whether an iGene Passport is right for you and, if so, which iGene DNA test may be of interest.

1. Are you over 18?

2. Are you of European or Asian descent?

3. Would you be interested in receiving information about all kinds of personal traits, such as your caffeine sensitivity, your chance of having red hair and the possibility of being gluten or lactose intolerant?

4. Do you want to know which drugs you are particularly sensitive to?

5. Would you like to receive lifestyle advice ordered by relevance, even if this concerns familiar health recommendations?

6. Do you realise that genetic predisposition is not the only factor that can determine your risk of developing all kinds of conditions, but that lifestyle, for example, also plays a role?
Various factors have an influence on whether or not you develop certain conditions. At iGene we determine your genetic predisposition on the basis of a DNA analysis.
Besides the genetic component, dietary, lifestyle and environmental factors also play an important role in relation to diseases and health. For each condition your iGene Passport not only tells you your genetic predisposition, but also provides you with the most relevant lifestyle advice.

7. Is there a specific disease that is common at an unusually young age within your family? And is detecting this disease the reason why you want to take a DNA test?
Are there indications that your family has a specific genetic disorder and is the targeted detection of such a specific genetic disorder your reason for taking the test? In this case, we recommend that you contact your doctor to check whether you qualify for a genetic test performed by a clinical geneticist.
You have not yet answered enough questions to allow us to reach a conclusion.